Holy Coder Apps

Gerador de desculpas 1.4
Holy Coder
Perdeu aquela reunião chata?Não foi no aniversário daquele seu vizinho inconveniente?Nunca mais você precisará se preocupar em criar desculpas.Agora você tem o seu próprio gerador de desculpas no seu bolso!Use com moderaçãoHe lost that boringmeeting?It was the anniversary of their inconvenient neighbor?Never again will you need to worry about creating excuses.Now you have your own excuses generator in your pocket!Use sparingly
Password Generator - P4ss 0.0.1
Holy Coder
This awesome app provides very goodpasswordsoptions.This is a clean, beautiful and very powerful tool.Try it now, it is free!You can configure it as you need:Variable password length;Exclude similar characters (i, l, 0, O, etc);Include symbols (&%$#@!).Place your finger on the generated password for 3 seconds tocopyit.Create strong passwords, increasing security, protectyourdata!Enjoy and share it with your friends.
Counting Sheep 1.2
Holy Coder
You will love it!This game will change the way you try to sleep, as you nevertried before.It was designed for naps and long sleeping times!Try it now and enjoy before falling asleep. It's freeWe encourage you to use it everyday.
Is It On? 1.0
Holy Coder
Use this app to check if your cellphoneisturned on!
Mirror 1.1
Holy Coder
Do you need a mirror quickly? Now you have it in your pocket! Useto apply makeup and look beautiful.
Whip Pro 1.0
Holy Coder
Transform your smartphone into a whip!
Metro SP 1.1
Holy Coder
Easily navigate the Metro SP
My First Million 1.0
Holy Coder
Are you working hard to reach your first million right? Thisappshows you the exact month you are going to achieve that, basedonyour monthly savings. Try it for free now, start trackingyourwealth and get there quicker. Credits:Icon:http://www.flaticon.com/authors/madebyoliver
Crazy Helicopter 1.1
Holy Coder
The best helicopter game ever!
Portable Fan (sounds) 2.6
Holy Coder
The best fan sound ever!
Good Luck 1.1
Holy Coder
This app provides you extra luck!
Reminder: Wash My Hands 1.0
Holy Coder
This app reminds you to Wash your Hands to keep protected againstinfections